Marius Preda promises to deliver a captivating musical experience in a world somewhere between jazz and traditional music! The first cymbalum player in the history of jazz, this Romanian-born multi-instrumentalist transcends musical boundaries with an infectious joy.
Originally from Hungary, the cymbalum is an instrument made up of metal strings stretched over a trapezoid-shaped resonance box, whose sound seems to be a cross between a harp, a lyre and a lute. Marius Preda is fascinated by its rich, unique sound, characterised by a deep resonance, and he pushes the limits of this traditional instrument to explore new musical textures.
Drawing inspiration from the folklore of his homeland, this virtuoso blends different musical worlds with infinite creativity. Like an invitation to travel, this fusion of jazz and traditional music transports us emotionally into a new, timeless universe. Modern jazz shared on stage tonight with Eduard Preda on piano, Robertino Mihai on double bass and Alex Bernath on drums. Throughout the concert, these four musicians exchange, dialogue and improvise in incredible synergy. With great inventiveness, they reveal all the richness of the Romanian musical tradition. An unforgettable musical journey through time!